I don't care if you

I don't care
if you stop talking to me,
I breathe air, not people.

Maturity is when you love

Maturity is when
you love someone deeply,
but you don't pressurize them
to love you back.

I may not show but

I may not show
but every small things
matters to me.

Maybe I'm not good enough

Maybe I'm not
good enough for you but
please don't leave me because
I really love you so much.

Never make relationship for timepass,

Never make
relationship for timepass,
because may be another person
is very serious about it.

I love Listening the lies

I love
Listening the lies
when I know
the truth.

I may not be the

I may
not be the
but but I don't

Stop wasting time for someone

Stop wasting time
for someone who isn't even
thinking about you.

Real woman stays loyal to

Real woman
stays loyal to her man,
no matter how many male
approach her.

One bad relationship could make

One bad relationship
could make you never want
fall in love again.



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